Saturday, July 29, 2017

A bilious cloud

It seems that the time has come for a revisit to this dear country of mine, so painstakingly built upon the backs of slave labor, bloody wars for power grabbing, intolerance for those who look, behave or think differently than one looks, behaves or thinks.

My handiwork is everywhere, has been for centuries, and continues to keep the upper hand despite so many good people trying to create a social order whereby equality, compassion, kindness and I shudder to say it, but perhaps even love! are the dominating forces ruling the land.

These are special days indeed, having ensured that a leader has been elected whose repugnance with simple decency is voluntarily spewed across the land in a bilious cloud, day after day after day. I'm laughing so hard at times that my sides hurt.

It may be one of my greatest success stories, which is why I'm considering taking human form again and walking amongst you all, being a quiet participant in a crowd of louts shouting down someone who has been persecuted, watching from across the street as another young black person is gunned down and turning on the news to see how sensationalism overwhelms any sensible reporting.

So you'll be hearing from me often. No promise, of course, I would only break it if I made one, as that is what they are for, right? Right.



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